• Learn & Discern

    A safe place to confidentially ask your questions about missionary work and seek discernment along other brothers and sisters who are wrestling with the same questions.

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  • What's New in HarvestCall?

    News & Updates
  • Proclaim & Serve 2024: So Send I You

    If you missed the conference or just want to re-watch one of the sessoins, click here!

    Proclaim & Serve 2024 Conference Videos
  • Winter Rebuilding in Jennings, LA

    Team Photos
  • Helping you share the gospel

    New: a simple online presentation for those with little to no religious background.

    Go to Site
  • Change a life

    Child sponsorship opens doors of earthly and heavenly opportunity

    Watch the Video
  • Sharing God's provisions

    Our Distribution Centers package and send soup mixes, grain, beans and canned meat to the hungry.

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  • That souls may be saved

    Sharing the good news of Jesus, here and abroad.

Apostolic Christian HarvestCall

is an outreach arm of the Apostolic Christian Church of America (ACCA).

HarvestCall’s purpose is to enable the Apostolic Christian brotherhood to proclaim Christ and serve others beyond the capacity of the local church. Please join us as we strive to alleviate suffering and despair around the world by sharing Jesus through words of truth and deeds of compassion.

Project Areas

Needs are everywhere and Jesus has instructed us to go and teach all nations. HarvestCall supports ministry programs domestically and in targeted regions throughout world, sending brethren and aid directly, whenever possible. A portion of the areas are highlighted below.

Featured Ministries

By the Numbers

(Million) soup packet meals shipped to hungry families around the world


Haitians trained at HarvestCall-supported trade schools last year


Missionaries and children of missionaries currently serving in the field


Number of Mexicans given health care at our last medical clinic in Juarez

~ 1,000

Total number of wells drilled in Haiti, providing clean water for communities

~ 53,000

Bibles distributed last year
Average daily number of hospital and clinic patients served at Hospital Lumiere

~ 1,800

Children being sponsored to receive schooling in third world countries.

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